Urological Association of Kerala


1. Name of Society :
The name shall be “Urological Association of Kerala”

The registered office of the society shall be The Honorary Secretary, The Urological Association of Kerala, No.33/1237, Nirmala Hospital, Calicut,673012

3.Area of Operation :
The Society shall be operative within the State of Kerala

4. Objects :
(a) To promote high standards in the practice and education of Urology in Kerala
(b) To bring together all scientific personnel who are actively interested in the practice of Urology in Kerala in one corporate body
(c) To facilitate exchange of experiences so as to improve the standard of clinical practice and to promote research activities in Urology.
(d) To promote publication of scientific literature pertaining to Urological practice or research.
(e) To endeavour to establish and maintain liaison with other Associations or organized bodies in India or abroad whose objects are in keeping with those of the Association.
(f) To carry out any other activities which are identical or conducive to the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
(g) To promote and organize charitable activities in Urology.

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