Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Podium session.
- Video session .
- Poster session.
- Ideas and Innovations (Optional).
- Black Pearls (Optional).
Abstracts (in prescribed format) are invited for the Annual Conferences of UAK for presentation in one of the following sessions.
The scientific paper should fit into any one of the following categories that most closely describes the material for presentation which should be indicated at the appropriate column in the Abstract Submission Template.
All abstracts should be original, unpublished work of the authors, with all listed authors (maximum six) having significant contribution to the completion of work. The scientific material included in the paper should not have been presented in any other conferences and an undertaking in this regard should be signed and submitted along with the abstract. Abstracts for any type of presentation must follow the prescribed guidelines and should be submitted in the prescribed format available in UAK website, www.uakonline.com. The Abstract Submission Template can also be downloaded from this website.
Submission of an abstract constitutes the author’s commitment to present the work if accepted. All expenses associated with preparation and presentation of scientific matter should be borne by the author/ presenter.
Video presentation should be on a particular technique or method. All case reports should be presented as Posters.
The first author should be the presenter, he/she should have registered for the Conference and should be a member of UAK/applied for membership before 30th June.
Abstracts of the accepted paper will be printed in the Abstract Book by photo-prints. Therefore, authors must ensure error free text. Abstracts not following the guidelines will be rejected.
The last date of submission of abstracts is 30th June. The results of the acceptance of the papers will be intimated by 31st July.
Members who fail to present paper after accepting, will be debarred from presentation for the next one year. Papers should not be repeated in different formats like Podium/Poster /Video.
All papers will be reviewed by a panel of reviewers before being accepted.
Notification of acceptance/rejection of abstracts and further details on presentation will be intimated to the corresponding authors sufficiently ahead of Conference.
Filling up of abstract forms and submission
Scientific papers for presentation during UAKON should be submitted through Microsoft Conference Management Tool (CMT) program or any similar online program intimated by the Hon. Secretary prior to invitation for scientific papers. Alternately the scientific committee may adopt any form of abstract submission, notified in the website and the authors are requested to follow the guidelines mentioned for the same.
Please fill up the necessary details in respective fields in the Abstract Submission Page.
Abstracts generally should have the following style.
The title should be brief and explanatory. The title should be entered in capital letters, 12 point size in Times New Roman type. Abbreviations should not be used and the title should not be center aligned.
Details of authors should be entered in the respective columns. Capital letters should not be used for listing author’s names.
The first author should be the presenter, he/she should have registered for the Conference and should be a member of UAK/applied for membership before 30th June.
Institution, City, State, Country. This should be typed in the respective columns.
The main institution where the work has been conducted, should be listed. In case of multi centre involvement, name of the primary institution, where work was conducted should be entered.
Structured Abstract, The structured abstract should not exceed 400 words (approx. 25 lines). The abstract should be informative and specific.
The body must contain four separate paragraphs each preceded by the heading namely.
- Introduction and Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
Standard abbreviations may be used but must be written in full at first use. Proprietary names of drugs are not allowed.
Justification style of paragraph design should be used. Only Times New Roman font of 10 point type size should be used.
The text should be typed in single space without indenting paragraphs. One line should be left between paragraphs and abstract headings.
Addtinal Information for Presentation of Paper in the Ideas / Innovations, CPC and black Pearls Sessions :
The above format should be followed in general. However the style may be altered in the body of the text, to suit the paper.
Only one Idea/Innovation should be included in one paper. The paper should be specific and generalisation should be avoided. Scientific results of studies after implementation of these Ideas/Innovations should also be presented. The Ideas/Innovations should be genuine and should not be just minor modifications of existing systems.
For CPC, the detailed case history, physical findings and relevant investigations may be separately sent to the Hon. Secretary before the specified date as per the guidelines given elsewhere. Once accepted, detailed investigation reports may also have to be submitted to be forwarded by the Hon. Secretary to the Discussant of the case during Conference