Urological Association of Kerala

Review Article Submission Guidelines


1. All members of UAK are eligible to participate.

2. The topic for the Review paper Award shall be decided by the Executive Committee and announced in the General Body Meeting of the UAK during the Annual Conference preceding the year of consideration of the award

3. The text shall be typed in 12 Font size, double space and shall not exceed 15 pages of A4 size paper, including relevant references. 3 copies of the review paper in addition to the soft copy of the same are to be submitted to the Hon. Secretary of UAK before 31 July of the corresponding year.

4. There shall be only a single author and review shall not be based on individual or institutional experiences.

5. The Scientific Judging Committee constituted by the Executive Committee of UAK shall evaluate the papers and select the winner. The Hon. Secretary shall inform the winner before 30 August.

6. The Winner of the Award shall be invited to present his paper in the ensuing UAK Annual Conference. 15 minutes duration will be given for the presentation. There shall be no discussion at the end of the session. The session shall be chaired by the President and Hon. Secretary of UAK

7. Selection Criteria: The evaluation shall be on the following aspects of the Review Paper submitted

  • Hypothesis and objectives are clearly presented
  • The rationale for the project and appropriate literature are included
  • Methodology is clearly and completely explained
  • Explores the significance and limitations of the data
  • The results are clearly presented
  • Figures and tables - appropriate & easy to understand
  • Inconsistent results and counter-evidences are addressed
  • The discussion addresses the major implications of the findings
  • All sources are cited correctly in the slide text where appropriate
  • Text is written in clear English with proper grammar & appropriate font
  • References are relatively recent, properly cited and written in Vancouver style